natural organic coconut oil
Absolutely no pesticides or fertilizers used. Absolutely no heat is used in making our premium centrifuged coconut oil. We personally researched many farms and selected our products only from fair trade and sustainable coconut farms in the Philippines, and only from those which have clean facilities, have repeatable and well-managed processes, and produce the highest quality coconut products.
Coconut oil is increasingly becoming known for its benefits as a healthy and nutritious superfood, and also as a nutrifying body lotion.
Recent studies have lauded the benefits of the medium chain fatty acids (MCTs – Medium Chain Triglycerides).
According to the studies, coconut oil’s major benefits include:
– Helps weight loss! Helps control the appetite.
– Anti-bacterial
– Anti-fungal
– Anti-viral
– Assimilated into the body better than long chain triglycerides